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Open Accelerator

Registry for Accelerated Computing - Sharing Accelerated Computing Information on a Global Scale

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About OpenAccelerator
OpenAccelerator Logo OpenAccelerator has its origins at the MRSC (Many-Core and Reconfigurable Supercomputer Conference) held in Belfast, Northern Ireland, April 2008. The initiative began as a response to the diverse accelerator space active at that time. As accelerator technologies change, the importance of standards becomes ever more apparent. The OpenAccelerator initiative generally supports other accelerator initiatives and serves as a trusted third party assuring an ongoing source of reliable and available information related to accelerated computing in a rapidly changing ecosystem.

About OpenFPGA
OpenFPGA is a non-profit 501c3 corporation created in 2005 and formalized in 2006. In 2009, OpenFPGA received its 501c3 status from the US IRS for its role in advancing education and standards in reconfigurable and accelerated computing. The organization continues its mission to realize vendor independent standards supporting general integration support for reconfigurable computing technology across the emerging heterogeneous computing landscape. OpenFPGA provides operational and logistic support for community working groups in the areas of accelerator interoperability, performance, programmer interfaces, application libraries, and education.

With a minimum of overhead, OpenFPGA resources and efforts support community efforts through conference sponsorship, recognition awards, collaboration resources and promotion. OpenFPGA efforts have congributed to conferences and workshops that include SAAHPC, MRSC, HPRCTA, SC and ERSA.

The annual OpenFPGA award regonizing progress in advancing standards for reconfigurable computing has been awarded to investigators at the University of Toronto, CHREC and the University of North Carolina Charlotte.

The OpenAccelerator resource is made possible by OpenFPGA, Inc., through its members and sponsors. Anyone wishing to contribute to help sustain this effort is asked to contact by email sponsor AT OpenFPGA Inc. is a non-profit 501c(3) organization fostering standards for portability and interoperatbility among reconfigurable computing systems. OpenFPGA and the spiral are registered trademarks of OpenFPGA Inc.

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